Energy Client Employs App for Permitting Screening and Tracking.
To provide the client with one go-to location and source to track environmental compliance support concerns.

Our team created a multi-faceted application that consists of an environmental permit prescreening module, a full environmental permitting module, a stormwater inspection module, and a Notice of Intent (NOI) inspections module. The permit prescreening module utilizes project-specific questions generated by the project location to perform quick screenings to determine if environmental permitting is required. Projects that need further screening are transferred to the full permitting module for tracking. Created to be a more robust permit tracking tool, the full permitting module helps the client confirm what permits they need and how to stay on track of the permitting process. The stormwater module includes a fully-fledged stormwater inspection tool that tracks different types of projects, their inspections, and the resulting maintenance items. The NOI inspections module helps to streamline previous processes. This application is hosted as a cloud service on Microsoft's Azure Cloud Platform.