We are pleased to announce that the Atlantic City Electric – Orchard to Lewis Transmission Reliability Project is a recipient of The New Jersey Alliance for Action’s "New Jersey’s Leading Infrastructure Projects" award. The award program highlights innovative, pioneering, and landmark construction initiatives that greatly impact the state’s economy and honors the businesses and organizations that work together to ensure the project’s success.


The 44-mile-long transmission line rebuild is a great example of what can be done when organizations work as a team to develop a fantastic project. The majority of the work took place in the existing transmission right of way from the Orchard Substation in Upper Pittsgrove Township, Salem County to Lewis Substation in Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County. The transmission system is responsible for moving power from generating stations to the facilities that deliver power to customers. The lines and equipment that Atlantic City Electric upgraded played a critical role in addressing aging infrastructure, meeting demand for electricity, and maintaining system reliability.


McCormick Taylor was responsible for monitoring the foundation work and pole/conductor installations for environmental compliance with applicable permits and regulations. Our staff recorded preconstruction conditions and monitored the inter-substation transmission line during construction in order to document soil erosion and sediment control and ensure New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Pinelands Commission, and US Army Corps of Engineers permit compliance. We also made sure to coordinate with ACE environmental project managers, construction representatives, and contractors to maintain project compliance and resolve potential compliance issues. 
